ode winter clothes and pulled out the summer. So, today I caught no damn weather jacket that I serve and I caught a cold and I have the sexiest voice ever ¬ ¬ a merger between a transvestite and Donald Duck. Life is not fair.
Third, I have proof. Do not stop for a second these bastards, including last Wednesday I had a nervous breakdown and refused to go to one, because seriously, three major tests in one day is against nature. So now I have to apologize, because after telling
"bastards got me sick, I hate, I can, I call vacation, I will sleep m &
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Can I Exfoliate Psoriasis
We split. As clarified earlier, I have no time, but it is when one should be doing something else that comes the inspiration to ignore the inspiration can bring seven years of bad fics and diosmíonolopermita . So I held last week, but now came to avenge.
This fic ... Well, for me I can say I came a thousand ideas in very good head on Inception , but as I had never dared to write this, because I ended up doing a thousand and complicate anything. I always cost the new fandoms because I start I'm changing distressis also contracted to work much less than that of Fischer course, and they have come to establish itself as a team. That does not mean that Arthur is upset that, while he is coordinating the awakening, once the new pump has stated that they have all the information for which they have been, Eames is by his side, legs crossed and the appearance of a radiant blonde. - And how about, Arthur darling? - Seductive voice tells him, leaning Arthur not bother to look, even if the neckline of the forger is embarrassingly close. Is invading their space and the words border on each face beingne to do with walking through his apartment with his shirt unbuttoned and dancing around a cigarette on his lips frequently. Does not say, because he prefers not to cause eternal labia Eames and reading the case remains silent Richards. Eames hums pretty bad a theme of Led Zeppelin and battery uses the table, pencil in each hand as a mallet.
- And, by chance, as I recall you pay each month for a room in a hotel in the city .- says raising an eyebrow, trying to make clear his point. - I'm flattered that you're so aware of my activities, Arthur .- Eames gets up and goes out of sight of Arthur, who made a superhuman effort not to be turned to face him at the risk of ca. Laptop keys are pressed a little harder. - Tea? Water? "Beer? - Lord Eames, why are you still here? - Asked Arthur, finally abandoning his job. You tie crooked, but Eames what really upsets you wear is that even though it's four o'clock in the morning.
"I like to accompany you, dear .- replies and smiles aside, while drinking the third beer of the night. Maybe when Arthur took his company that night, Eames believed that it referred not really
a work meetingjo. For a change the story of his life, Arthur does not answer and again pay full attention to the report of Mr. Mosby. Eames served him a glass of whiskey after all and spends the rest of the morning I went to Arthur and imagination complemented perfectly structured plans of the other.
When it started breaking, and the birds chirping their early songs, Arthur Eames nods almost imperceptibly and could see their eyelids fall heavy waiting for a restful sleep. Eames looks on in silence and releasing the report that you have read the last half hour and that sounds like blablabla
and thanks to whisrolling, so little Arthur. FOUR
happens one day and they would lie to say that surprises them. Anyway, it is extrañoy lot has to do with that Arthur was trying to read something, Eames suspect that to be working is a lie and hiding porn magazines in the reports reviewed only once and not , only the eternal work folders, and Eames Arthur wanted to talk, both activities as incompatible as they are. Arthur told him to shut up, Eames said, "
Honey, see if you can silence your " and ignored him half an hour Arthur m & aacute, s until he could not Masy got up ready to kick him out of his apartment. Eames
memory had been repeating the dialogues of Godfather II in extremely high voice, and with the worst accent Sicilian Arthur had ever heard, all afternoon. He had told her three times to shut up and that seemed to mark the limit of his patience.
next thing they know is that both are against the door of the apartment of Arthur, as he rebUSCA nervously in their pockets for the missing keys, too distracted by the mouth of Eames who nibbles her neck in what is clearly visible and tomorrow will be a shameful mark. Manage to enter, with difficulty, stumbling and Arthur be able, notice that left the keys in the lock, but nothing can care less at this time, while a hand awkwardly school pants and hit another buttock getting a gasp accelerated Eames.
- Cu-room .- Arthur groans as he tries to grapple with Eames who seems to believe can not reach the habitacióny resists it .- Now!
Eames course that does notwinding road or a vein and carefully licking the tip. When viewed from down there, with very black eyes and hair
ohpordiosmío become a gentle tangle around his head, a lock across his forehead and right eyebrow shading, feel Eames the head is spinning, but this time the tequila has nothing to do.
not stop looking at their eyes and Arthur masturbates in amazing coordination to keep pace with tasting the throbbing erection, while Eames could not stop looking at him and softly moaning frantically hands between slightly curly hair, the other, while no force pushing you
m & amp; aacute; sfuertecariñovamosvamosvamosvamos
When you feel the electricity in his fingertips just sprouting from the testicles to the rest of the nerve endings, clumsy swipes him away, but Arthur refuses and, well, Eames has never been good at fighting against authority Arthur intrinsic. It runs like a natural disaster, overbearing and unbridled and Arthur drinks, eats it and continues looking at him with unfathomable eyes. A Eames would like to help, but maybe he's drunk and feels as if life had been drained, loose and dead members, but certainly not complain to see Arthuroce of leaving lips warm, fleeting kiss against the skin of his arm and despite not being sure of the veracity of this feeling, close your eyes could not tear the smile of the lips.
The next morning breakfast together and none mention anything that could be linked to last night. Eames says "I
scrambled eggs and bacon and pies, honey
" to which Arthur replied only with his tone is always "black coffee is
." If Eames gets to laugh when you see the dark purple stain on the neck of a homeowner, is inevitable and note that Arthur was tense, almost imperceptibly, his eyes searchingue is being lost. Remember a beach in Fiji where a child collecting seashells, remembers a village in the farthest corner of Argentina where he bought a shirt then lost in Texas. Remember Paris, Tokyo, Johannesburg, Amsterdam.
Eames is an expert on leave. Never been fired, do not remember who had never had it or if she did not know it. He just goes and probably again, because he knows that the world is a swarm of circular paths and in less than you expect will be back in the beginning. He has never told anyone where is the beginning, where it emerged ó Eames before a forger when he was not even Eames: do not remember who to tell and had never been long enough in a place to tell it how to reach. But he knows that someday return to his beginnings, back down on its steps are blurred in the past and blurry footprints in the sand and that day of his return, left to go.
- Why are you here? - Asked Arthur, cigarette in hand and a map of the Peterson mansion on the table.
That's a great question. Because suddenly takes a year in New York and despite the hysteria that causes you to every corner of the ciudad is a repeated series of stereotypes, it is gone.
Suddenly, he has no clue how to go, what it was like to take the suitcases and target any place in the map from your search. Can not remember how he managed to leave and start over hundreds of times, spread over a million lives in each place to set foot, and suddenly afraid that when you decide to leave, will say goodbye to Arthur. And he suspects that much to try in front of a mirror and much to be the best forger in the world, modesty aside and the devil
to modesty, would have no idea what to say, because how we that, ifthis fic was not so in my head, but gets out of hand and as I post something before I start studying, then publish it and why. There are several suspicious things: I was looking at pictures of Tom Hardy and I see his brown eyes, but when I wrote I got 'gray' and nothing to do. On the other hand I read in several places that these two met in the military but I did not came out. About why they are living with as much stability in New York, I know, I wanted them in a fixed location, and the drabbles that I got dealt a little traveler track.
Another thing, I'm Chilean and it takes quite get me Chileans.
This fic ... Well, for me I can say I came a thousand ideas in very good head on Inception , but as I had never dared to write this, because I ended up doing a thousand and complicate anything. I always cost the new fandoms because I start I'm changing distressis also contracted to work much less than that of Fischer course, and they have come to establish itself as a team. That does not mean that Arthur is upset that, while he is coordinating the awakening, once the new pump has stated that they have all the information for which they have been, Eames is by his side, legs crossed and the appearance of a radiant blonde. - And how about, Arthur darling? - Seductive voice tells him, leaning Arthur not bother to look, even if the neckline of the forger is embarrassingly close. Is invading their space and the words border on each face beingne to do with walking through his apartment with his shirt unbuttoned and dancing around a cigarette on his lips frequently. Does not say, because he prefers not to cause eternal labia Eames and reading the case remains silent Richards. Eames hums pretty bad a theme of Led Zeppelin and battery uses the table, pencil in each hand as a mallet.
- And, by chance, as I recall you pay each month for a room in a hotel in the city .- says raising an eyebrow, trying to make clear his point. - I'm flattered that you're so aware of my activities, Arthur .- Eames gets up and goes out of sight of Arthur, who made a superhuman effort not to be turned to face him at the risk of ca. Laptop keys are pressed a little harder. - Tea? Water? "Beer? - Lord Eames, why are you still here? - Asked Arthur, finally abandoning his job. You tie crooked, but Eames what really upsets you wear is that even though it's four o'clock in the morning.
"I like to accompany you, dear .- replies and smiles aside, while drinking the third beer of the night. Maybe when Arthur took his company that night, Eames believed that it referred not really
a work meetingjo. For a change the story of his life, Arthur does not answer and again pay full attention to the report of Mr. Mosby. Eames served him a glass of whiskey after all and spends the rest of the morning I went to Arthur and imagination complemented perfectly structured plans of the other.
When it started breaking, and the birds chirping their early songs, Arthur Eames nods almost imperceptibly and could see their eyelids fall heavy waiting for a restful sleep. Eames looks on in silence and releasing the report that you have read the last half hour and that sounds like blablabla
and thanks to whisrolling, so little Arthur. FOUR
happens one day and they would lie to say that surprises them. Anyway, it is extrañoy lot has to do with that Arthur was trying to read something, Eames suspect that to be working is a lie and hiding porn magazines in the reports reviewed only once and not , only the eternal work folders, and Eames Arthur wanted to talk, both activities as incompatible as they are. Arthur told him to shut up, Eames said, "
Honey, see if you can silence your " and ignored him half an hour Arthur m & aacute, s until he could not Masy got up ready to kick him out of his apartment. Eames
memory had been repeating the dialogues of Godfather II in extremely high voice, and with the worst accent Sicilian Arthur had ever heard, all afternoon. He had told her three times to shut up and that seemed to mark the limit of his patience.
Now was, hands on hips and face the world more angry, obviously regretting not being in the world of dreams where he was too easy to shoot Eames on one leg or an eye, as we in them.
- Shut upand then finely raised eyebrow Arthur is not what was expected and it turned out the laugh from the belly, as she watched quizzically watched Arthur Cobb as asking "Where did you get to é , ste? And then he walked away with serious gesture and ignored him. course probably have waited and waited and Dom Mal and Ariadne and even Mr. Saito and probably Lily, new chemistry, as expected. All I expected, but none would bet that he that giveth the final step directly into the vacuum where there was no waking dreams which, was Arthur. None had bet because ultimately teracer guilty to untie his tie perfectly knotted and releasing the neck long and pale with Arthur, who cared to bite on every inch, lest you got a piece of skin without tasting. The shirt was crumpled between his fingers hurried, despite the claim, in a certain decibel tone sharper than normal, Arthur - hey, hey, watch out ... fuck, shirt
- thrown carelessly anywhere - I care
fuck shirt, baby, fuck
-. Fall on the couch, literally, when you push Eames without considering that the back of the knees of Arthur and are running into furniture, jostling each other, insulting each breath, restless legs and arms most of the furniture seems able to resist. Seems to have more limbs than normal in humans and hinder them at every moment while playing in all directions, the joints of Arthur Eames seem superfluous and the clothing all over until it ends up thinking that Arthur has more elbow anyone, because, really, is the seventh elbow that is buried in the ribs while juggling engaging and touching without hitting the ground. There are lips in every corner and the crotch of the underwear of both tense in desperation miss the erection & amremained of Evil In the quiet of Cobb, Arthur decides to give them a moment alone to the family and walk quietly into the background, hands in his pockets and his lips pressed tightly
Figure lazily leaning on a tree not surprised, and accepted without change of expression the cigarette offered to him. Eames takes a lighter from his jacket pocket and lights, a flickering flame and features dazzling lights partly obscured by the shadow of the foliage, walking trails beard slightly square jaw and her gray eyes smiled require your mouth to accompany them in the act. Arthur leans a little toward him to meet withShe might blame the alcohol. Arthur almost never drinks because you do not like the feeling of intoxication not control what is being done, but this time everything went with a beer in a bar after a particularly harsh extraction. Tequila and then continued with Arthur remembered something from a bottle of whiskey do not know how many years had given him apparently do not know quiény Eames invited to enjoy the gift. All this part of the story is shrouded in a strange mist in her memoirs.
- Shut upand then finely raised eyebrow Arthur is not what was expected and it turned out the laugh from the belly, as she watched quizzically watched Arthur Cobb as asking "Where did you get to é , ste? And then he walked away with serious gesture and ignored him. course probably have waited and waited and Dom Mal and Ariadne and even Mr. Saito and probably Lily, new chemistry, as expected. All I expected, but none would bet that he that giveth the final step directly into the vacuum where there was no waking dreams which, was Arthur. None had bet because ultimately teracer guilty to untie his tie perfectly knotted and releasing the neck long and pale with Arthur, who cared to bite on every inch, lest you got a piece of skin without tasting. The shirt was crumpled between his fingers hurried, despite the claim, in a certain decibel tone sharper than normal, Arthur - hey, hey, watch out ... fuck, shirt
- thrown carelessly anywhere - I care
fuck shirt, baby, fuck
-. Fall on the couch, literally, when you push Eames without considering that the back of the knees of Arthur and are running into furniture, jostling each other, insulting each breath, restless legs and arms most of the furniture seems able to resist. Seems to have more limbs than normal in humans and hinder them at every moment while playing in all directions, the joints of Arthur Eames seem superfluous and the clothing all over until it ends up thinking that Arthur has more elbow anyone, because, really, is the seventh elbow that is buried in the ribs while juggling engaging and touching without hitting the ground. There are lips in every corner and the crotch of the underwear of both tense in desperation miss the erection & amremained of Evil In the quiet of Cobb, Arthur decides to give them a moment alone to the family and walk quietly into the background, hands in his pockets and his lips pressed tightly
Figure lazily leaning on a tree not surprised, and accepted without change of expression the cigarette offered to him. Eames takes a lighter from his jacket pocket and lights, a flickering flame and features dazzling lights partly obscured by the shadow of the foliage, walking trails beard slightly square jaw and her gray eyes smiled require your mouth to accompany them in the act. Arthur leans a little toward him to meet withShe might blame the alcohol. Arthur almost never drinks because you do not like the feeling of intoxication not control what is being done, but this time everything went with a beer in a bar after a particularly harsh extraction. Tequila and then continued with Arthur remembered something from a bottle of whiskey do not know how many years had given him apparently do not know quiény Eames invited to enjoy the gift. All this part of the story is shrouded in a strange mist in her memoirs.
next thing they know is that both are against the door of the apartment of Arthur, as he rebUSCA nervously in their pockets for the missing keys, too distracted by the mouth of Eames who nibbles her neck in what is clearly visible and tomorrow will be a shameful mark. Manage to enter, with difficulty, stumbling and Arthur be able, notice that left the keys in the lock, but nothing can care less at this time, while a hand awkwardly school pants and hit another buttock getting a gasp accelerated Eames.
- Cu-room .- Arthur groans as he tries to grapple with Eames who seems to believe can not reach the habitacióny resists it .- Now!
Eames course that does notwinding road or a vein and carefully licking the tip. When viewed from down there, with very black eyes and hair
ohpordiosmío become a gentle tangle around his head, a lock across his forehead and right eyebrow shading, feel Eames the head is spinning, but this time the tequila has nothing to do.
not stop looking at their eyes and Arthur masturbates in amazing coordination to keep pace with tasting the throbbing erection, while Eames could not stop looking at him and softly moaning frantically hands between slightly curly hair, the other, while no force pushing you
m & amp; aacute; sfuertecariñovamosvamosvamosvamos
. When you feel the electricity in his fingertips just sprouting from the testicles to the rest of the nerve endings, clumsy swipes him away, but Arthur refuses and, well, Eames has never been good at fighting against authority Arthur intrinsic. It runs like a natural disaster, overbearing and unbridled and Arthur drinks, eats it and continues looking at him with unfathomable eyes. A Eames would like to help, but maybe he's drunk and feels as if life had been drained, loose and dead members, but certainly not complain to see Arthuroce of leaving lips warm, fleeting kiss against the skin of his arm and despite not being sure of the veracity of this feeling, close your eyes could not tear the smile of the lips.
The next morning breakfast together and none mention anything that could be linked to last night. Eames says "I
scrambled eggs and bacon and pies, honey
" to which Arthur replied only with his tone is always "black coffee is
." If Eames gets to laugh when you see the dark purple stain on the neck of a homeowner, is inevitable and note that Arthur was tense, almost imperceptibly, his eyes searchingue is being lost. Remember a beach in Fiji where a child collecting seashells, remembers a village in the farthest corner of Argentina where he bought a shirt then lost in Texas. Remember Paris, Tokyo, Johannesburg, Amsterdam.
Eames is an expert on leave. Never been fired, do not remember who had never had it or if she did not know it. He just goes and probably again, because he knows that the world is a swarm of circular paths and in less than you expect will be back in the beginning. He has never told anyone where is the beginning, where it emerged ó Eames before a forger when he was not even Eames: do not remember who to tell and had never been long enough in a place to tell it how to reach. But he knows that someday return to his beginnings, back down on its steps are blurred in the past and blurry footprints in the sand and that day of his return, left to go.
- Why are you here? - Asked Arthur, cigarette in hand and a map of the Peterson mansion on the table.
That's a great question. Because suddenly takes a year in New York and despite the hysteria that causes you to every corner of the ciudad is a repeated series of stereotypes, it is gone.
Suddenly, he has no clue how to go, what it was like to take the suitcases and target any place in the map from your search. Can not remember how he managed to leave and start over hundreds of times, spread over a million lives in each place to set foot, and suddenly afraid that when you decide to leave, will say goodbye to Arthur. And he suspects that much to try in front of a mirror and much to be the best forger in the world, modesty aside and the devil
to modesty, would have no idea what to say, because how we that, ifthis fic was not so in my head, but gets out of hand and as I post something before I start studying, then publish it and why. There are several suspicious things: I was looking at pictures of Tom Hardy and I see his brown eyes, but when I wrote I got 'gray' and nothing to do. On the other hand I read in several places that these two met in the military but I did not came out. About why they are living with as much stability in New York, I know, I wanted them in a fixed location, and the drabbles that I got dealt a little traveler track.
Another thing, I'm Chilean and it takes quite get me Chileans.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
How Long Do Lice Take To Show Up After Exposure? I have no life
Eames read something, suspected to be working that was a lie and hiding porn magazines in the reports reviewed only once and not only is the eternal work folders, and Arthur Eames wanted to talk, both activities as incompatible as they are. Arthur told him to shut up, Eames said, "Honey, you see if you can shut" and Arthur ignored him half an hour until he could not Masy got up ready to kick him out their department.
- At the prompt kink_meme_esp read the best of the world,
"500 Days of Summer & an took its own course and disappeared from his life to California, with its cafes midnight, their records of Frank Sinatra and her giggling in his sleep, Tom was able to take it with high-mindedness. Yes, he broke some dishes and yes, Rachel harassed by phone until three in the morning looking for meaning in your love life were a shit, but had to cut when mom threatened to visit to continue interrupting the dream of his sister. But make no mistake, he took it with great maturity. So he had no other than wait out the time and went and today was cHis face and not in the least alarmed by the apology feline partner was exhibiting.
- I thought a pet cat would be something ... gay.
- And yes, I also began to write Merlin but I have not seen the last chapters so I'm cheating. Another thing I have to do is catch up with my series, this week I had to stop hiding the remote control for TV did not catch me.
A Merlin was not good with horses. That is, they seem to love and rub their snouts against hOmbro, stroking her like a colt strange, but when it comes to foist the mounting or Herr or take them to training camps, horses resist him, beat him with their tails or hooves firmly buried on earth regardless of the desperate pleas of the boy wizard, which looks set to pull out an eye just to get some respect by quadrupeds. A laughter Arthur gets to see him muttering, while asks them please do not leave me this time in shame, do not give him the taste to the prince of hell that you are CLEAR , having fun. certainly could ask another ENSIL
- At the prompt kink_meme_esp read the best of the world,
"500 Days of Summer & an took its own course and disappeared from his life to California, with its cafes midnight, their records of Frank Sinatra and her giggling in his sleep, Tom was able to take it with high-mindedness. Yes, he broke some dishes and yes, Rachel harassed by phone until three in the morning looking for meaning in your love life were a shit, but had to cut when mom threatened to visit to continue interrupting the dream of his sister. But make no mistake, he took it with great maturity. So he had no other than wait out the time and went and today was cHis face and not in the least alarmed by the apology feline partner was exhibiting.
- I thought a pet cat would be something ... gay.
- And yes, I also began to write Merlin but I have not seen the last chapters so I'm cheating. Another thing I have to do is catch up with my series, this week I had to stop hiding the remote control for TV did not catch me.
A Merlin was not good with horses. That is, they seem to love and rub their snouts against hOmbro, stroking her like a colt strange, but when it comes to foist the mounting or Herr or take them to training camps, horses resist him, beat him with their tails or hooves firmly buried on earth regardless of the desperate pleas of the boy wizard, which looks set to pull out an eye just to get some respect by quadrupeds. A laughter Arthur gets to see him muttering, while asks them please do not leave me this time in shame, do not give him the taste to the prince of hell that you are CLEAR , having fun. certainly could ask another ENSIL
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
How To Get Golden Cross On Mw2 kmy_kusanagi @ 2010-10-11T22: 41:00
Real life is so boring): I have all afternoon seeing the recorded sections How I Met Your Mother while I pretend I have nothing really to do (like read my failures and the boring stuff style) but time is running me lying to myself, because they will be eleven of Nooh and tomorrow at eight should have me memorized 200 pages I've played neither. But I find it better to see Barney (ou Have and Barney met, really? ) and think that sometimes I like to have a Marshall to me, but I'm too Robin for that.
But I prefer to stay to investigate LJand find a fic Glee I was reading the other day but now I find that I need to finish. That's the part that complicates my LJ, I always lose the things I was reading and there is no way to find, especially in the case in my memory is like a bucket full of holes. I do not know how I ended up in Glee , hated the series at first and only looked for the songs, but then I was hooked and I very nearly moved by the end of the season.
And all this, I was the third time Inception , this time with a head full of fics I read out there
But I prefer to stay to investigate LJand find a fic Glee I was reading the other day but now I find that I need to finish. That's the part that complicates my LJ, I always lose the things I was reading and there is no way to find, especially in the case in my memory is like a bucket full of holes. I do not know how I ended up in Glee , hated the series at first and only looked for the songs, but then I was hooked and I very nearly moved by the end of the season.
And all this, I was the third time Inception , this time with a head full of fics I read out there
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Handcuffs Sorority Initiation I can not leave Merlin - "What must be silent"
I honestly do not know what I did with Merlin. I can not think of them in all situations>. \u0026lt;And not only in the 60's, or Camelot, but also on the streets of the twentieth century stressful and I'm itching to write everything down. But most of the time I'm in the u, reading my Civil Code, and clearly not the best instance to write.
But this time, I read a challenge. I am guilty, something that someone asks me to activate the imagination. Although, as in this case have been ordered six months ago things happen xD.
Title: What is qtar look like a king. Camelot will have to have imagination.
The boy wizard does not answer and seems to sulk, but Arthur does not know how close you are to the truth. Merlin tried to find the fate of his friend in everything in the world, but never say out loud that the omens are hazy and the future with Gwen does not endorse all the happiness you deserve Merlin believes Arthur . He thinks and tortured for it and it hurts somewhere deep chest - probably near the place where Arthur kisses him right now, just below the left nipple
- when you think about this marriage was written from the beginning.rle just below the ear .- Anything else? - You are a fat, bald .- King says the magician, earning a friendly campion in the neck .- A great king, anyway.
Arthur seems to have heard what I wanted, then bites the lobe with diversióny finally opts to its final destination, Merlin's lips, which are placid, used for several years to that invasion. The language of the fair runs through the old maps drawn a hundred times before, I bite a bit and kiss him goodbye and tambiéna know breakfast in bed, naked spells, the nights filled with sparks of truth Merlin n; Send this kingdom to the devil .- Merlin promises. Arthur knows. Merlin will accompany greatness rule at his side, will help you create a legend. But never again be this: no more waiting Merlin between the sheets. From now on, just be your trusted counselor and Arthur wonders how you can miss so very much to someone who will forever be by your side. For a brief second he repents and wants to escape, do not know where, doubt that life away from Camelot to mean something, the truth, but again the duty slaps to the face and can only nod. Merlin suaveme kissesnt on the cheek before getting up and flicking one, dressed as if by magic.
- Now is the time .- Arthur says while he does nothing to sit on the bed. - Have not seen anything more in my future - asked Arthur, just before opening the door. Merlin doubt. Has seen a lot. Arthur The road ahead is clear and very long: their history no end or limits. Has seen many things, but not all Arthur can say them, can not intervene in what is to happen. She squeezes his arm, wanting to understand why things should be and think Gwen should also be at that time will prepareDose to face the inevitable. - No.
've seen greatness and disappointment. Gwen has been a mistake and suffer and fall, dragging with it Arthur. Arthur has been seen to be the best king that the land will never at the expense of their own happiness, and for centuries his name is pronounced with admiration. Will be the symbol of a golden age of Camelot and make the best kingdom in the world. He has also seen them, Arthur Ely, volverána meet again, this time free from duty, in the midst of history that makes up the world circular, where the road forks to bind only to return few steps
But this time, I read a challenge. I am guilty, something that someone asks me to activate the imagination. Although, as in this case have been ordered six months ago things happen xD.
Title: What is qtar look like a king. Camelot will have to have imagination.
The boy wizard does not answer and seems to sulk, but Arthur does not know how close you are to the truth. Merlin tried to find the fate of his friend in everything in the world, but never say out loud that the omens are hazy and the future with Gwen does not endorse all the happiness you deserve Merlin believes Arthur . He thinks and tortured for it and it hurts somewhere deep chest - probably near the place where Arthur kisses him right now, just below the left nipple
- when you think about this marriage was written from the beginning.rle just below the ear .- Anything else? - You are a fat, bald .- King says the magician, earning a friendly campion in the neck .- A great king, anyway.
Arthur seems to have heard what I wanted, then bites the lobe with diversióny finally opts to its final destination, Merlin's lips, which are placid, used for several years to that invasion. The language of the fair runs through the old maps drawn a hundred times before, I bite a bit and kiss him goodbye and tambiéna know breakfast in bed, naked spells, the nights filled with sparks of truth Merlin n; Send this kingdom to the devil .- Merlin promises. Arthur knows. Merlin will accompany greatness rule at his side, will help you create a legend. But never again be this: no more waiting Merlin between the sheets. From now on, just be your trusted counselor and Arthur wonders how you can miss so very much to someone who will forever be by your side. For a brief second he repents and wants to escape, do not know where, doubt that life away from Camelot to mean something, the truth, but again the duty slaps to the face and can only nod. Merlin suaveme kissesnt on the cheek before getting up and flicking one, dressed as if by magic.
've seen greatness and disappointment. Gwen has been a mistake and suffer and fall, dragging with it Arthur. Arthur has been seen to be the best king that the land will never at the expense of their own happiness, and for centuries his name is pronounced with admiration. Will be the symbol of a golden age of Camelot and make the best kingdom in the world. He has also seen them, Arthur Ely, volverána meet again, this time free from duty, in the midst of history that makes up the world circular, where the road forks to bind only to return few steps
Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Blog
TMLXC mentioned did not open the eyes of the newspaper but made an indefinable sound that only Harry could be interpreted as a gesture of attention.
- can you imagine what would have been anything to be different? Objective achieved. Draco raised an eyebrow and gave him the nastiest look he found. - Different from what? - Asked curtly.
- Separate ... this .- Harry replied, sitting up in his comfortable position and pointing around the room, the garden, the house in general.
- &iQuest, you mean if we did not live here - tried the blonde trying to follow the ever erratic mind of your partner. - Yeah ... I mean no. That is, different from before.
- Harry, but you begin to explain to me in a bad mood threatened Draco wearily .- .- Different from when?
Harry seemed sort your ideas and scratched his head in concentration. Draco waited, hoping sincerely that Harry desist from their strange ideas and just continue watching the program Muggle school kids singing. - I mean ... you think ... &raco something quieter but feeling slightly sulky .- Why the hell would imagine what it would not be together? Why are you even imaginándotelo YOU? Harry
I can not help smiling at her boyfriend's anger and white only squeezed his hand that was nearest. We enjoyed the small pot that escaped the blond and avoided mentioning because he would know that would hurt the susceptibility of the Malfoy heir proud.
- only occurred to me, Draco. I imaginené how everything would never have been together. - We are a couple since he was fifteen, he mumbled Draco Harry offended .- .- He assumed that for years and you do not imagine nonsense, brat.
- Do not be boring, Draco looked at him .- diversióny Harry pulled his hand looking for something of his enthusiasm infected you .- So I just imagined if you never found after the Sirius? And if I had rejected?
- I can think of absolutely no reason why they rejected me then or now .- annoying replied another, press & amp; aacute; foward a little finger.
- Was an absolute idiot .- white hand was about to escape but retained it .- You're lucky to have been a handsome boy.
As was obvious, poke a little vanity relaxed to Draco, who smirked and stroked almost imperceptibly soft blond hair, and congratulating them. Something quieter, shook his head and seemed to give up all resistance.
- Well, are you getting all this imagination?
- Nothing. I just figured if you had never taken the step in fifth Anoy that but as í maybe I would have ended with Cho.
Draco seemed angry again and watched him as if he had to confess he had killed his grandmother .- With Chang? Are you telling me she was your best option? For Merlin, what
I feel flattered that I've chosen me ...
The Brown laughed and tapped him on the arm with reproach .- It was a very pretty girl.
- girl did not look the other wickedly pointed .- .- I was always covered with mud and large Quidditch robes. Nothing chic.
- I'm gay is defensible .-lso could be Hermione ... - tested, being answered by another soft laugh.
- Y Weasley would you cast into the lake. No remorse.
- Well, well, you understand that the girls apparently not for me .- Harry now was huff .- I just imagined what it would have been if we had been together ...
- probably would have ended married and procreating with your mother .- Draco laughed, still too delighted with his discovery .- Surrounded by children ridiculous names ...
- not necessarily have to be ridiculous. CHute; .- Harry accepted .- Now imagine how upset would you be to not having never declared.
- Probablemente no habría cambiado de bando.- señaló el rubio, sin rastros de dolor en su voz tras tantos años desde la guerra.- Y probablemente me habría casado con alguna distinguida señorita thoroughbred.
- Probably that girl Greengrass .- Harry reminded her voice slightly hurt .- The girl your father always wanted for you.
- was pretty .- Draco admitted.
- Draco, had black hair and green eyes. Put a scar and would have been demonstrating a rare complexprojection.
- would have had handsome children with elegant names and lineage .- Draco basked meditating.
The Brown shook his head as he leaned on Draco's shoulder and volvíaa interlacing his fingers with the other as white, long and elegant. So other than their own, more coarse and rough and cut by his habit of doing all the Muggle way.
- probably would have children with names of constellations unknown to anyone interested.
- All my family since the fifteenth century have star names blonde .- said the victim, stroking the back of the myear .- It is fondly called having class, unknown.
- that a child has a name of a constellation is an attack on youth. And Merlin knows that everyone was the victim of school bullies Harry refuted him .- So: you would marry my female alter ego, would have a son named ridiculous and would be bald.
- I'll pretend I did not hear the last part .- threatened the other with an authoritative voice .- But just for the record, I'll tell my father until the day he died never dropped a fucking hair.
- Seeingother things, what fucking luck be with you .- Harry said thoughtfully .- If not, great luck that we expected.
Both were silent, turning their heads like a whirlwind of images from a memory that never exist, and Harry and his redheaded wife and children of unoriginal names and Draco and balding, Topa ; NDOS both on the platform of a train station in a different story that ran on parallel tracks, but that seemed to peek around the corner as an impossible dream in which they were little more than acquaintances. Draco
bes & oacute; gently forehead rested against his body and watched for a few seconds the box showing the speaker turned commercial for a product report that prometíaa who bought it, the body of your dreams.
- So the question was whether he could imagine a story where you and I were not together?
Harry nodded, rubbing a little face against the slight roughness of the blond stubble.
- No, I can not. FIN
That would be all;)
- can you imagine what would have been anything to be different? Objective achieved. Draco raised an eyebrow and gave him the nastiest look he found. - Different from what? - Asked curtly.
- Separate ... this .- Harry replied, sitting up in his comfortable position and pointing around the room, the garden, the house in general.
- &iQuest, you mean if we did not live here - tried the blonde trying to follow the ever erratic mind of your partner. - Yeah ... I mean no. That is, different from before.
- Harry, but you begin to explain to me in a bad mood threatened Draco wearily .- .- Different from when?
Harry seemed sort your ideas and scratched his head in concentration. Draco waited, hoping sincerely that Harry desist from their strange ideas and just continue watching the program Muggle school kids singing. - I mean ... you think ... &raco something quieter but feeling slightly sulky .- Why the hell would imagine what it would not be together? Why are you even imaginándotelo YOU? Harry
I can not help smiling at her boyfriend's anger and white only squeezed his hand that was nearest. We enjoyed the small pot that escaped the blond and avoided mentioning because he would know that would hurt the susceptibility of the Malfoy heir proud.
- only occurred to me, Draco. I imaginené how everything would never have been together. - We are a couple since he was fifteen, he mumbled Draco Harry offended .- .- He assumed that for years and you do not imagine nonsense, brat.
- Do not be boring, Draco looked at him .- diversióny Harry pulled his hand looking for something of his enthusiasm infected you .- So I just imagined if you never found after the Sirius? And if I had rejected?
- I can think of absolutely no reason why they rejected me then or now .- annoying replied another, press & amp; aacute; foward a little finger.
- Was an absolute idiot .- white hand was about to escape but retained it .- You're lucky to have been a handsome boy.
As was obvious, poke a little vanity relaxed to Draco, who smirked and stroked almost imperceptibly soft blond hair, and congratulating them. Something quieter, shook his head and seemed to give up all resistance.
- Well, are you getting all this imagination?
- Nothing. I just figured if you had never taken the step in fifth Anoy that but as í maybe I would have ended with Cho.
Draco seemed angry again and watched him as if he had to confess he had killed his grandmother .- With Chang? Are you telling me she was your best option? For Merlin, what
I feel flattered that I've chosen me ...
The Brown laughed and tapped him on the arm with reproach .- It was a very pretty girl.
- girl did not look the other wickedly pointed .- .- I was always covered with mud and large Quidditch robes. Nothing chic.
- I'm gay is defensible .-lso could be Hermione ... - tested, being answered by another soft laugh.
- Y Weasley would you cast into the lake. No remorse.
- Well, well, you understand that the girls apparently not for me .- Harry now was huff .- I just imagined what it would have been if we had been together ...
- probably would have ended married and procreating with your mother .- Draco laughed, still too delighted with his discovery .- Surrounded by children ridiculous names ...
- not necessarily have to be ridiculous. CHute; .- Harry accepted .- Now imagine how upset would you be to not having never declared.
- Probablemente no habría cambiado de bando.- señaló el rubio, sin rastros de dolor en su voz tras tantos años desde la guerra.- Y probablemente me habría casado con alguna distinguida señorita thoroughbred.
- Probably that girl Greengrass .- Harry reminded her voice slightly hurt .- The girl your father always wanted for you.
- was pretty .- Draco admitted.
- Draco, had black hair and green eyes. Put a scar and would have been demonstrating a rare complexprojection.
- would have had handsome children with elegant names and lineage .- Draco basked meditating.
The Brown shook his head as he leaned on Draco's shoulder and volvíaa interlacing his fingers with the other as white, long and elegant. So other than their own, more coarse and rough and cut by his habit of doing all the Muggle way.
- probably would have children with names of constellations unknown to anyone interested.
- All my family since the fifteenth century have star names blonde .- said the victim, stroking the back of the myear .- It is fondly called having class, unknown.
- that a child has a name of a constellation is an attack on youth. And Merlin knows that everyone was the victim of school bullies Harry refuted him .- So: you would marry my female alter ego, would have a son named ridiculous and would be bald.
- I'll pretend I did not hear the last part .- threatened the other with an authoritative voice .- But just for the record, I'll tell my father until the day he died never dropped a fucking hair.
- Seeingother things, what fucking luck be with you .- Harry said thoughtfully .- If not, great luck that we expected.
Both were silent, turning their heads like a whirlwind of images from a memory that never exist, and Harry and his redheaded wife and children of unoriginal names and Draco and balding, Topa ; NDOS both on the platform of a train station in a different story that ran on parallel tracks, but that seemed to peek around the corner as an impossible dream in which they were little more than acquaintances. Draco
bes & oacute; gently forehead rested against his body and watched for a few seconds the box showing the speaker turned commercial for a product report that prometíaa who bought it, the body of your dreams.
- So the question was whether he could imagine a story where you and I were not together?
Harry nodded, rubbing a little face against the slight roughness of the blond stubble.
- No, I can not. FIN
That would be all;)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Ge Nautilus Not Draining Fear-sin -? - Trilogy
C. Remodeled a little ashamed for not much.
Posted in: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1784769/1/Miedos
Fears Harry was in a foul mood. He was awake at five in the morning (courtesy of Ron and his new pacifist tendencies which included waking up early to be one with nature) and not considered to have had a good day. Moreover, if you had asked, would say that it was a waste of day. opened the door of the room abruptly, hair dripping with muddy waterI vaguely recalled that I had to tell Neville that if possible try to avoid bludgers direct to your own computer. Turned the golden knob, leaving a dark mark on the metal impeccable, and went wearily.
was a matter of seconds for something or rather someone, dragged him to drop it into something that sounded to bed without order, while a flexible and well-known body settled into his chest, in the midst of a purring cat mixture of dissatisfaction with satisfaction. Thin strands of golden hair brushed his nose tantalizingly, wild smell fragrant and penetrating into your body with the speed and venom poisoning. - Can you find out what the hell took you so long, Potter? - A velvet voice whispered dangerously close to her ear .- was bored.
The green-eyed boy breathed a faint sigh, feeling his chest go fast fingers in a desperate and urgent desire to start the buttons of his shirt, pale hands that slid under the fabric recognizing the path already stored in the skin. And he must have used ... but I was curious to note that even though she had been almost six months together, continue flushing while being subjected to the attentions of Draco. Seguía perturbed whenever terse lips clung to his, although at first it was he who sought contact. - Your training has been over half an hour .- Draco said as he tried to release Harry's chest of clothes.
All follow & iacuteESAR all loved each other.
That had been in terms of the contract. Shared enough to not feel alone, but never enough to love, never allowed to forget that this was only a parenthesis in a reality where a relationship like that would never fit. It was a short paper that would soon limbo and both had agreed, amused by the idea of breaking the rules last remaining intact.
But nothing could stop the feeling right?
- You have to go. Finnigan must sneak around waiting .- Draco stammered.
- Maybe ...
angel. Could you live
just normal once everything was over? Because
would end right?
Or would last forever?
both knew the answer, but not why it was easier to accept. Preferred to stay with the truth that no one atrevíaa say and no say. No need to say it out loud, yet that fact would change everything.
That was love.
And someday ... there was no more fear. FIN
And the continuous
p; oacute; one with real elegance, but Harry did not bother to thank him. He tucked the cigarette between her lips and lit it with a snap. Outside, the rain had stopped and a buzz filled the silent room storm.
Harry took a deep breath of smoke and he came into his eyes. Rubbed them and coughed. He looked at her companion, sitting in front of him, dressed impeccably in black from the tip of his expensive shoes to gloved hands. He saw the white collar peeking just over the edge of the coat and lank blond hair. And gray eyes, cold, impenetrableyears a slow, dry timbre. His former child arrogance replaced by a landslide and threatening security. Harry expelled almost spitting smoke and turned to watch the fire blazing.
- Will you answer me or I terminate this meeting? Draco
removed in sillóny Harry watched him closely. It had been six years since they finished Hogwarts. And the thin, blond boy he knew had grown up. He hated to admit that Draco was higher and that, dammit, I spent nearly a head. Stupid Death Eater. I saw
or removing gloves sparingly. The scarf hanging from his shoulder suffered the same fate. The gray eyes were watching him.
- sorry to interrupt your busy life murderer. - Muttered with a shrug.
- Oh, Potter. Let us be sensitive. You know I can always make a hole in my life murderer to remember old times.
- I suppose I should feel flattered.
well. - Malfoy shook his neck, as if trying to relocate your joints. - What do you know?
"What the hell are they doing with the 28 muggles missing. It
rry, even with the hearing loss at one point lost the back of the room, felt it before seeing it. The sound of approaching footsteps and then Malfoy's hair grazed his forehead. His breath touched a nerve in his neck when his lips opened to release a soft laugh.
- You are very demanding with your requests.
- It's not as if they were free right?
A laugh again, this time inn directly on his cheek. Blond aristocratic nose sank into the black hair, tongue slid gently into the jaw. A chill in his back and then a vacuum, because the cus hands.
Still, it was still too young to survive alone. Still too trusting and naive, clumsy and stupid. Too much to go on in this war alone.
- So you're still very concerned about the muggles.
- In that plane were my uncles, Malfoy.
- I know.
- What did you do with them?
Harry came to be right in front of him, offering a very interesting perspective on his hips. He folded his arms, applicant. Draco could see a deep green eyes Preoceilde, I had already done by leaving Draco to be surprised by their practices.
- were very useful for our purposes, Potter. You should be proud of the ball of fat that claimed to be your cousin. Just cried.
- What. Les. Made. Malfoy.
invisible chains his wrists burned. Even when Harry made no effort to flee. He felt his pants were torn and gasped feeling the expert hands and touching known sharply, painfully. Nevertheless, excitement ran through the entire body, arched looking m & awould the hot swirl of violence that enveloped every act Draco, which always require the burning pain of the Death Eater meetings, looking behind every hit the boy Harry had loved.
knew it was war. And the Draco of his youth had died. Let him now slowly masturbated him was none other than a murderer of innocents.
The problem is that Harry never made it easier to sin and fall, fall to the bottom, when he was with Malfoy. As he looked his gray eyes and remembered the warmth of his lips at one time and the sweet sound of his voice loving to diecisix years. And always had been a sin, how when they were only a few children and desperate rubbed deserted corridors, where kissing in empty classrooms, or when he finished school and Draco took his hand target of his father and was the last known brightness and young in his eyes.
And when Draco turned to him for the first time since becoming a Death Eater, and there was nothing of that warmth. It was just a mask elegant and well dressed.
But Harry did not usually give up hope and after all these years have continued to think that Draco & iacute, on grounds that there was still some humanity in the cold shell of the murderer.
Sweet, sweet naivety.
crowd felt the blood on their sex, coherent thoughts bursting into a wave of pure fire and electricity, even desperate fingers touching the Death Eater, who, without words, immutable silence, it appeared of his own pants and underwear to full speed. Harry sobbed as she felt left her mouth, and leap with greater impetus to the other body, twisting in a desperate attempt to feel his need. Then he felt the fingers that poked between her buttocks,gently but firmly sank within him, clawing everything in its path. A finger was followed by a second and the third, Harry felt uncomfortable and unbearably excited at once. Wrists ached from the pressure of Draco's grip. Did not have time to scream when I broke the knees with a thud
on undulating body shook him, noting how the buttons of his shirt was buried in the chest as Draco é relied entirely on , l. He felt his fingers leave his body and was allowed a soft sigh, that he wished not to be chained and embrace with lIbert. Closely could see gray eyes. The excited member of his companion pressed against her thigh. Draco closed his eyes when he kissed her with more smoothly than last time but just as plaintiff. His teeth clashed in a hopeless frenzy following the sudden and profound penetration of Draco. Accurately and without lubrication rammed against the body of Harry, who only managed to squeak against the other's mouth.
Malfoy's hands sank under his shirt, touching the torso and old scars, gently scraping the skin and every hair bristling from his body. Shook, as if he isto above: Draco touching, hugging, kissing. Recoverable. He groaned softly, feeling close to the climax and recalled when Draco was not just that damn Malfoy, but he was the guy who ran away from classes to hide in the most unlikely corners of the school. When they had sex and they liked that they made love.
Draco's lips again sought hers in a most loving kiss, as he felt exploited in the leakage of emotions and feelings. And without full control over your body, let his head fall back, exposing her neck to Draco's teeth, just before she climaxes with a deep groan, which seemed to be the dcute, n he was chained.
Draco's fingers came to his wrists, caressing them slowly and with burn injuries caused by handcuffs. And then, Harry felt his hands free to be intertwined to such other. And without much thought, he leaned forward just a little and kissed those lips parted and pale.
was just a second. The next moment Draco had been lifted, cleaned with a spell and rearrange his pants. Harry did not even try to cover. Just crossed his arms behind his neck and stared at the ceiling.
- Malfoy should be careful. Fwith messy hair falling across his forehead, he looked much younger and human than Harry had gotten used to seeing him.
inhaled deeply and saw that Draco was approaching him. Lips rested tenderly on hers and mild language, stealing the smoke from the mouth. Fingers that snatched the cigar and cold eyes. That look was the same as when years ago he returned from his training Draco and within it there was nothing sweet and cuddly, just that damn temptation.
still looking into his eyes, the cigarette between his fingers firmly squashed. In m
Posted in: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1784769/1/Miedos
Fears Harry was in a foul mood. He was awake at five in the morning (courtesy of Ron and his new pacifist tendencies which included waking up early to be one with nature) and not considered to have had a good day. Moreover, if you had asked, would say that it was a waste of day. opened the door of the room abruptly, hair dripping with muddy waterI vaguely recalled that I had to tell Neville that if possible try to avoid bludgers direct to your own computer. Turned the golden knob, leaving a dark mark on the metal impeccable, and went wearily.
was a matter of seconds for something or rather someone, dragged him to drop it into something that sounded to bed without order, while a flexible and well-known body settled into his chest, in the midst of a purring cat mixture of dissatisfaction with satisfaction. Thin strands of golden hair brushed his nose tantalizingly, wild smell fragrant and penetrating into your body with the speed and venom poisoning. - Can you find out what the hell took you so long, Potter? - A velvet voice whispered dangerously close to her ear .- was bored.
The green-eyed boy breathed a faint sigh, feeling his chest go fast fingers in a desperate and urgent desire to start the buttons of his shirt, pale hands that slid under the fabric recognizing the path already stored in the skin. And he must have used ... but I was curious to note that even though she had been almost six months together, continue flushing while being subjected to the attentions of Draco.
- Right. This time it was the turn of sighing of blond. He abandoned his laborious and hard work of stripping his partner and himself with his face buried in Harry's neck, slowly sucking the sweet smell, that smell was starting to get used to it. What if the scent of vanilla disappear from your life?
Nothing. All follow & iacuteESAR all loved each other.
That had been in terms of the contract. Shared enough to not feel alone, but never enough to love, never allowed to forget that this was only a parenthesis in a reality where a relationship like that would never fit. It was a short paper that would soon limbo and both had agreed, amused by the idea of breaking the rules last remaining intact.
But nothing could stop the feeling right?
- You have to go. Finnigan must sneak around waiting .- Draco stammered.
- Maybe ...
angel. Could you live
just normal once everything was over? Because
would end right?
Or would last forever?
both knew the answer, but not why it was easier to accept. Preferred to stay with the truth that no one atrevíaa say and no say. No need to say it out loud, yet that fact would change everything.
That was love.
And someday ... there was no more fear. FIN
And the continuous
p; oacute; one with real elegance, but Harry did not bother to thank him. He tucked the cigarette between her lips and lit it with a snap. Outside, the rain had stopped and a buzz filled the silent room storm.
Harry took a deep breath of smoke and he came into his eyes. Rubbed them and coughed. He looked at her companion, sitting in front of him, dressed impeccably in black from the tip of his expensive shoes to gloved hands. He saw the white collar peeking just over the edge of the coat and lank blond hair. And gray eyes, cold, impenetrableyears a slow, dry timbre. His former child arrogance replaced by a landslide and threatening security. Harry expelled almost spitting smoke and turned to watch the fire blazing.
- Will you answer me or I terminate this meeting? Draco
removed in sillóny Harry watched him closely. It had been six years since they finished Hogwarts. And the thin, blond boy he knew had grown up. He hated to admit that Draco was higher and that, dammit, I spent nearly a head. Stupid Death Eater. I saw
or removing gloves sparingly. The scarf hanging from his shoulder suffered the same fate. The gray eyes were watching him.
- sorry to interrupt your busy life murderer. - Muttered with a shrug.
- Oh, Potter. Let us be sensitive. You know I can always make a hole in my life murderer to remember old times.
- I suppose I should feel flattered.
well. - Malfoy shook his neck, as if trying to relocate your joints. - What do you know?
"What the hell are they doing with the 28 muggles missing. It
rry, even with the hearing loss at one point lost the back of the room, felt it before seeing it. The sound of approaching footsteps and then Malfoy's hair grazed his forehead. His breath touched a nerve in his neck when his lips opened to release a soft laugh.
- You are very demanding with your requests.
- It's not as if they were free right?
A laugh again, this time inn directly on his cheek. Blond aristocratic nose sank into the black hair, tongue slid gently into the jaw. A chill in his back and then a vacuum, because the cus hands.
Still, it was still too young to survive alone. Still too trusting and naive, clumsy and stupid. Too much to go on in this war alone.
- So you're still very concerned about the muggles.
- In that plane were my uncles, Malfoy.
- I know.
- What did you do with them?
Harry came to be right in front of him, offering a very interesting perspective on his hips. He folded his arms, applicant. Draco could see a deep green eyes Preoceilde, I had already done by leaving Draco to be surprised by their practices.
- were very useful for our purposes, Potter. You should be proud of the ball of fat that claimed to be your cousin. Just cried.
- What. Les. Made. Malfoy.
invisible chains his wrists burned. Even when Harry made no effort to flee. He felt his pants were torn and gasped feeling the expert hands and touching known sharply, painfully. Nevertheless, excitement ran through the entire body, arched looking m & awould the hot swirl of violence that enveloped every act Draco, which always require the burning pain of the Death Eater meetings, looking behind every hit the boy Harry had loved.
knew it was war. And the Draco of his youth had died. Let him now slowly masturbated him was none other than a murderer of innocents.
The problem is that Harry never made it easier to sin and fall, fall to the bottom, when he was with Malfoy. As he looked his gray eyes and remembered the warmth of his lips at one time and the sweet sound of his voice loving to diecisix years. And always had been a sin, how when they were only a few children and desperate rubbed deserted corridors, where kissing in empty classrooms, or when he finished school and Draco took his hand target of his father and was the last known brightness and young in his eyes.
And when Draco turned to him for the first time since becoming a Death Eater, and there was nothing of that warmth. It was just a mask elegant and well dressed.
But Harry did not usually give up hope and after all these years have continued to think that Draco & iacute, on grounds that there was still some humanity in the cold shell of the murderer.
Sweet, sweet naivety.
crowd felt the blood on their sex, coherent thoughts bursting into a wave of pure fire and electricity, even desperate fingers touching the Death Eater, who, without words, immutable silence, it appeared of his own pants and underwear to full speed. Harry sobbed as she felt left her mouth, and leap with greater impetus to the other body, twisting in a desperate attempt to feel his need. Then he felt the fingers that poked between her buttocks,gently but firmly sank within him, clawing everything in its path. A finger was followed by a second and the third, Harry felt uncomfortable and unbearably excited at once. Wrists ached from the pressure of Draco's grip. Did not have time to scream when I broke the knees with a thud
on undulating body shook him, noting how the buttons of his shirt was buried in the chest as Draco é relied entirely on , l. He felt his fingers leave his body and was allowed a soft sigh, that he wished not to be chained and embrace with lIbert. Closely could see gray eyes. The excited member of his companion pressed against her thigh. Draco closed his eyes when he kissed her with more smoothly than last time but just as plaintiff. His teeth clashed in a hopeless frenzy following the sudden and profound penetration of Draco. Accurately and without lubrication rammed against the body of Harry, who only managed to squeak against the other's mouth.
Malfoy's hands sank under his shirt, touching the torso and old scars, gently scraping the skin and every hair bristling from his body. Shook, as if he isto above: Draco touching, hugging, kissing. Recoverable. He groaned softly, feeling close to the climax and recalled when Draco was not just that damn Malfoy, but he was the guy who ran away from classes to hide in the most unlikely corners of the school. When they had sex and they liked that they made love.
Draco's lips again sought hers in a most loving kiss, as he felt exploited in the leakage of emotions and feelings. And without full control over your body, let his head fall back, exposing her neck to Draco's teeth, just before she climaxes with a deep groan, which seemed to be the dcute, n he was chained.
Draco's fingers came to his wrists, caressing them slowly and with burn injuries caused by handcuffs. And then, Harry felt his hands free to be intertwined to such other. And without much thought, he leaned forward just a little and kissed those lips parted and pale.
was just a second. The next moment Draco had been lifted, cleaned with a spell and rearrange his pants. Harry did not even try to cover. Just crossed his arms behind his neck and stared at the ceiling.
- Malfoy should be careful. Fwith messy hair falling across his forehead, he looked much younger and human than Harry had gotten used to seeing him.
inhaled deeply and saw that Draco was approaching him. Lips rested tenderly on hers and mild language, stealing the smoke from the mouth. Fingers that snatched the cigar and cold eyes. That look was the same as when years ago he returned from his training Draco and within it there was nothing sweet and cuddly, just that damn temptation.
still looking into his eyes, the cigarette between his fingers firmly squashed. In m
Monday, October 4, 2010
Blood Tongue Brushing More Merlin
them if I have your talent to reach .- said Merlin unable to repress a giggle as smoke escapes through the nose. Arthur does not answer, he grabs his cigarette with his hand and gives a nice glimpse of sudden flexing her biceps close to your nose, slightly tanned skin when Arthur as if instead of living in Great Britain live in the fucking Bahamas. A Merlin bothers you a little, because he always goes peaky, ill-looking shirts in faded and rough wool scarves that give comezóny ears too big. Sometimes it is unfair that Arthur looks so good and so comfortable in their white shirtsAce and leather jackets and always carried a different girl on the bike that his father gave him last summer.
- I have cold .- Merlin and wheel complains a bit about yourself until you are on your side and you can view the Arthur arrogant, disorderly blond hair slicked back, his chin aristocratic .- And I see that your father is thinking of going to bed.
Arthur's father is a good man, but is a former customs rigid military frowns Merlin looks skinny, flared pants and eternal pint to go high to the ears, speaking always in excess without any control over the incoherence of their eternal labia. Es a good man, but not ready for Merlin and is not sure it's going to become so in a next life. Merlin does not seem intimidated by the sullen gestures and silences, on the contrary, the more it ignites the flame of youthful impertinence and Uther does not feel able to tolerate any insolence that can spring from that guy. So Arthur prefer lying in the courtyard of the house to watch the stars and with a gesture of annoyance, takes his jacket that has been running a pillow and extends it with a sudden movement over the scrawny shoulders of his friend. - Ten. Now can you stop complaining?
- Oh, thank you, now I feel so Arthur t
- never. I prefer death. Do I follow Arthur? I go up to that, even if my life depends on it .- Merlin explained, waving his arms and raising a few decibels voice .- I told you, I'll never get close to your motorized beast shit . - Merlin, by God, I'll drive.
- Oh, Arthur I supposed it was going to calm down? Is it some sort of advantage, good news? Do not soothe me, Arthur. I walk. - We are miles and miles .- Arthur and complains arises not for the first time in many years that are known, a stunning blow, only to be calor dark in the back of the head. - Well, bad luck, Arthur, I have no plan to let go even a little bit. Arthur A head is spinning as it embarks on the fly. Little does the speed and the wind hitting your face and all, but all with the promise Merlin frightened, crying in the first instance and following insults with total impudence, but keeps its word and not loose or for a second, gives no respite and hugs him as if her life depended on it.
In My Life
have escaped to the beach. In the motorcycle. After that fateful night, when Merlin got off the pileup blessed with the green face and the duty mornd the odd way that drew in the sand and away by foot. Merlin ríey feels his side to watch the sea. Was a little surprised when Arthur puts his arm around her shoulders but says nothing, allowing a perfect fit within the shelter of those limbs strong and warm.
first kiss takes you by surprise. He never expected to feel the gentle but steady pressure on Arthur's lips against his, opening with the tongue, a touch quieter than a ragged start. Do not know quite what to do - after all, Arthur was always the expert in these things - and descoordina, but Arthur is holding him cradled his chin and his face in a steady hand and known, cocking his head slightly to find the correct angle and guide you with patience. Licks her lips and Merlin are sure that at any moment explode in flames because, seriously, his mouth is burning and curiously mimics the movement and feel rewarded when Arthur breathing difficulties and some bites her lower lip gently. He feels that he will drown, but dare not break, because that could mean the end of that rare and unique moment, which apparently had been waiting all his life, judging by how the body will tremble with anxiety. But it is Arthur whoand looks away, his eyes are always, friendly, defiant, arrogant, caring. Merlin sonríey will see that there are traces of his own saliva on the lips, know that you are flushing the ears of shame.
- Breathe through your nose, Merlin, do not want you to faint.
not have time to be embarrassed by how obvious it is your hyperventilation, because Arthur is again kissing, caressing her cheeks and licking the inside of your mouth like discovering. Merlin is attached to the arms of Arthur and dropped back in the sand where once was an attempt of an angel, with Arthur over, embracing non-stop ever besarland, wandering from time to time for his jaw to the neck, but always returning to the lips of Merlin that desperate hope, lit. Screw hand on Arthur's neck and caresses her hair, while his other hand was seen as possible and stockings, leather jacket, so I could play marked the biceps and said, while Arthur intensified the kiss, panting .
They kiss in the sand for hours. Perhaps less, Merlin lost the ability to measure time. Arthur kisses her as if waiting for that life, as if from that day they met at thirteen morra wanted instead of allowing that mythical first punch. Merlread in Arthur kisses an old story that has never seen before, which was written by star-filled nights smoking in secret, of evenings listening to the Rolling Stones, gas-filled years, motorcycles, discussions, shock , hugs, pushes. A succession of events chained up to that point, a friendship forged years just to get to that kiss, in a November cold beach, sea salty lips of Arthur and a lot of emotions that Merlin does not understand heating the chest while leaving Arthur wrapped up in that kiss.
Here Comes The Sun
The first kiss was followed by many. Merlin never
- I have cold .- Merlin and wheel complains a bit about yourself until you are on your side and you can view the Arthur arrogant, disorderly blond hair slicked back, his chin aristocratic .- And I see that your father is thinking of going to bed.
Arthur's father is a good man, but is a former customs rigid military frowns Merlin looks skinny, flared pants and eternal pint to go high to the ears, speaking always in excess without any control over the incoherence of their eternal labia. Es a good man, but not ready for Merlin and is not sure it's going to become so in a next life. Merlin does not seem intimidated by the sullen gestures and silences, on the contrary, the more it ignites the flame of youthful impertinence and Uther does not feel able to tolerate any insolence that can spring from that guy. So Arthur prefer lying in the courtyard of the house to watch the stars and with a gesture of annoyance, takes his jacket that has been running a pillow and extends it with a sudden movement over the scrawny shoulders of his friend. - Ten. Now can you stop complaining?
- Oh, thank you, now I feel so Arthur t
- never. I prefer death. Do I follow Arthur? I go up to that, even if my life depends on it .- Merlin explained, waving his arms and raising a few decibels voice .- I told you, I'll never get close to your motorized beast shit . - Merlin, by God, I'll drive.
In My Life
have escaped to the beach. In the motorcycle. After that fateful night, when Merlin got off the pileup blessed with the green face and the duty mornd the odd way that drew in the sand and away by foot. Merlin ríey feels his side to watch the sea. Was a little surprised when Arthur puts his arm around her shoulders but says nothing, allowing a perfect fit within the shelter of those limbs strong and warm.
first kiss takes you by surprise. He never expected to feel the gentle but steady pressure on Arthur's lips against his, opening with the tongue, a touch quieter than a ragged start. Do not know quite what to do - after all, Arthur was always the expert in these things - and descoordina, but Arthur is holding him cradled his chin and his face in a steady hand and known, cocking his head slightly to find the correct angle and guide you with patience. Licks her lips and Merlin are sure that at any moment explode in flames because, seriously, his mouth is burning and curiously mimics the movement and feel rewarded when Arthur breathing difficulties and some bites her lower lip gently. He feels that he will drown, but dare not break, because that could mean the end of that rare and unique moment, which apparently had been waiting all his life, judging by how the body will tremble with anxiety. But it is Arthur whoand looks away, his eyes are always, friendly, defiant, arrogant, caring. Merlin sonríey will see that there are traces of his own saliva on the lips, know that you are flushing the ears of shame.
- Breathe through your nose, Merlin, do not want you to faint.
not have time to be embarrassed by how obvious it is your hyperventilation, because Arthur is again kissing, caressing her cheeks and licking the inside of your mouth like discovering. Merlin is attached to the arms of Arthur and dropped back in the sand where once was an attempt of an angel, with Arthur over, embracing non-stop ever besarland, wandering from time to time for his jaw to the neck, but always returning to the lips of Merlin that desperate hope, lit. Screw hand on Arthur's neck and caresses her hair, while his other hand was seen as possible and stockings, leather jacket, so I could play marked the biceps and said, while Arthur intensified the kiss, panting .
They kiss in the sand for hours. Perhaps less, Merlin lost the ability to measure time. Arthur kisses her as if waiting for that life, as if from that day they met at thirteen morra wanted instead of allowing that mythical first punch. Merlread in Arthur kisses an old story that has never seen before, which was written by star-filled nights smoking in secret, of evenings listening to the Rolling Stones, gas-filled years, motorcycles, discussions, shock , hugs, pushes. A succession of events chained up to that point, a friendship forged years just to get to that kiss, in a November cold beach, sea salty lips of Arthur and a lot of emotions that Merlin does not understand heating the chest while leaving Arthur wrapped up in that kiss.
Here Comes The Sun
The first kiss was followed by many. Merlin never
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e. But end up having sex in the same king's throne.
No more options
not want you near.
not you dare touch me, or even less ... ...
I had cried a couple of hours ago Arthur, all blond hair and skin-deep rage, his clothes torn and slightly charred and had ; to left with his jaw tight, not allowing Merlin speak. Or to be healed of that wound in his right eyebrow.
you one of them.
When my father again ... my father ... I lied
myopia forever, sir .- snapped in a much more disrespectful than I wanted, but something like it had sparked anger in and the language was soon in an effort knotted to release all that anger .- Because I guess, Arthur you're going to pretend you never noticed, never suspected ...
Arthur panted like a wild animal in your ear, panting like wounded animal and that was satisfactory, because their movements were not accurate and more than once in between desire, Merlin had seen him watched with fear, afraid to sit wrong. Merlin has seventeen years and never had thought of ever playing anyone, but he had never thought of something more normal to be left to discover for Arthur, his hands rough, clumsy nerve had previously deflowered girls but now trembled at the chest lampi & nmine in his ear, bit his shoulder, he promised the world, future, eternity, history. Shivering, ran inside with a plaintive wail that lasted almost a howling and Merlin felt his own arousal burst just for the intimate perception of Arthur over him, the his side,
within him, as had always been.
remained huddled on the throne, even though their body temperature dropped and the feverishness of his intimacy chose: Merlin resist to let him go, his legs still bound in their
No more options
not want you near.
not you dare touch me, or even less ... ...
I had cried a couple of hours ago Arthur, all blond hair and skin-deep rage, his clothes torn and slightly charred and had ; to left with his jaw tight, not allowing Merlin speak. Or to be healed of that wound in his right eyebrow.
you one of them.
When my father again ... my father ... I lied
myopia forever, sir .- snapped in a much more disrespectful than I wanted, but something like it had sparked anger in and the language was soon in an effort knotted to release all that anger .- Because I guess, Arthur you're going to pretend you never noticed, never suspected ...
- Pardon? What the hell are you implying now, servant?
- we always did it much easier to assume that the weakling of walking you save your servant's ass by sheer luck, instead of wondering how it was that every time something was going to do DAMAGE or, mágicameamp; eacute; l, Merlin, I would tell the truth to their fill, because it could be heading to the gallows, but he would not stay quiet, no sir. But he could not say anything, because Arthur was kissing him or maybe he's trying to break up the mouth with his teeth as a punishment, Merlin never know, feeling flustered with Arthur's lips pressed against hers and colliding teeth a bit and devouring the two phrases that Merlin never able to finish. Arthur's fingers buried him in the neck and Merlin could not help but whine, flapping in a vague attempt to depart yet knowing that I could not. The lenmp; iacute; to the neck, the jugular sucked him, pushing him against the throne, himself looking site, the largest body and dirty climbing Arthur's battle with him in the real seat Uther. He could only groan again and dare to tangle his fingers through his hair dirty and tugging .- Oh, God, Arthur ... - You never told me .- Arthur groaned in turn, separated only little, to look at him with those eyes too blue. The same fingers that previously had slapped her dark hair parted on the face, in a languid caress, unsophisticated, friends, peer, for .- I lied all this time & hellip;
Merlin could not do anything but push the neck to kiss Ely again, feeling deprived of weapons and excuses, with no word that could justify lying to Arthur, nothing that could atone for him deceived. The powerful hands embraced him from the waist, rising a little, holding on Arthur Merlin, separating the legs to make room, almost purring with happiness as she hugged and can not complain when Arthur unbuttoned his shirt dirty or when he untied the cord of his trousers. I trembled when the clothes were torn, gasping in the midst of difficult and contortionist movements, but not pudo but delivered because he could not do otherwise, the future king of Camelot. Arthur panted like a wild animal in your ear, panting like wounded animal and that was satisfactory, because their movements were not accurate and more than once in between desire, Merlin had seen him watched with fear, afraid to sit wrong. Merlin has seventeen years and never had thought of ever playing anyone, but he had never thought of something more normal to be left to discover for Arthur, his hands rough, clumsy nerve had previously deflowered girls but now trembled at the chest lampi & nmine in his ear, bit his shoulder, he promised the world, future, eternity, history. Shivering, ran inside with a plaintive wail that lasted almost a howling and Merlin felt his own arousal burst just for the intimate perception of Arthur over him, the his side,
within him, as had always been.
remained huddled on the throne, even though their body temperature dropped and the feverishness of his intimacy chose: Merlin resist to let him go, his legs still bound in their
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