But this time, I read a challenge. I am guilty, something that someone asks me to activate the imagination. Although, as in this case have been ordered six months ago things happen xD.
Title: What is qtar look like a king. Camelot will have to have imagination.
The boy wizard does not answer and seems to sulk, but Arthur does not know how close you are to the truth. Merlin tried to find the fate of his friend in everything in the world, but never say out loud that the omens are hazy and the future with Gwen does not endorse all the happiness you deserve Merlin believes Arthur . He thinks and tortured for it and it hurts somewhere deep chest - probably near the place where Arthur kisses him right now, just below the left nipple
- when you think about this marriage was written from the beginning.rle just below the ear .- Anything else? - You are a fat, bald .- King says the magician, earning a friendly campion in the neck .- A great king, anyway.
Arthur seems to have heard what I wanted, then bites the lobe with diversióny finally opts to its final destination, Merlin's lips, which are placid, used for several years to that invasion. The language of the fair runs through the old maps drawn a hundred times before, I bite a bit and kiss him goodbye and tambiéna know breakfast in bed, naked spells, the nights filled with sparks of truth Merlin n; Send this kingdom to the devil .- Merlin promises. Arthur knows. Merlin will accompany greatness rule at his side, will help you create a legend. But never again be this: no more waiting Merlin between the sheets. From now on, just be your trusted counselor and Arthur wonders how you can miss so very much to someone who will forever be by your side. For a brief second he repents and wants to escape, do not know where, doubt that life away from Camelot to mean something, the truth, but again the duty slaps to the face and can only nod. Merlin suaveme kissesnt on the cheek before getting up and flicking one, dressed as if by magic.
've seen greatness and disappointment. Gwen has been a mistake and suffer and fall, dragging with it Arthur. Arthur has been seen to be the best king that the land will never at the expense of their own happiness, and for centuries his name is pronounced with admiration. Will be the symbol of a golden age of Camelot and make the best kingdom in the world. He has also seen them, Arthur Ely, volverána meet again, this time free from duty, in the midst of history that makes up the world circular, where the road forks to bind only to return few steps
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