Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Where To Find Rhino V Holo Plans X Hetalia Counting Sheep Sleep Series Vol.2: Germany and Prussia (Tracks 1-2)

Hello! Returning to the original order I bring the CD of Counting Sheep Sleep very special brothers!

appropriations Japanese-English translation is for [info] spaceinvaderdud , Endless Thanks! Original here not hesitate to make corrections if any.

can download the entire CD here With [info] talon_strike for uploading. O separately here .

The 7 tracks on this CD have been divided into 3 entries in my journal.
Enjoy the Amazing
Prussia can behave like an older brother and Germany \u0026lt;3!

C HTMLXC Hetalia x Counting Sheep Sleep Series Vol.2: Germany and Prussia.

Track 1: "Let me act like a big brother from time to time"


Collection CDs Honeybee.

Prussia Hetalia x Counting Sheep Sleep Series Volume 2!

AlePru: Health always comes first! & Germany: Yes I asked them to follow the footsteps of Italy and all these papers came to my office.

Prussia: Oh yeah! Speaking of Italy-chan, I just visited her house recently!

Germany: So you been all this time in Italy, uh? That explains why you were late, Nii-san.

Prussia: When I was there, I saw the Italian brothers lying in a garden. I was wondering what they were doing so I looked more closely. When I did, I saw the halia yes they are amazing, right? I will talk next time. Let's go to Italy together when that time comes, West! And then we could also buy something to eat!

Germany: Yes Sounds good.

Prussia: And then when we return, we could eat in a good bakery in the child's home squeamish!

Germany: Yes Sounds good.

Prussia: Hey, are you listening, West?

Germany: Yes

lined paper * Germany * Good.

Prussia: And then after that ... * yawn *

Germany: It is late, Nii-san. Ideally, get some sleep.

Prussia: * yawn * It's too late. I think I'll do that.

* leaves *

Prussia: Hmm? You do not go to sleep?

Germany: Hmm? Oh yes. I have a piRent anything you see!

Prussia: Now that this has been fixed, let us set out!

Germany: My God, I'll hear by now, right?

Prussia: What are you mumbling? Vamos!

Germany: Nii-san! What are you trying to do?!

Prussia: Wow, what a question so obvious!

You should really listen when you andhey are talking about!

Germany: I think you're the one who has to listen to others when they are talking about!

Prussia: As I said, I will tell sheep tired and overwhelmed your body to sleep!

Germany: * sigh * I understand what you mean, but I have still work to do!

Prussia: OK! BEDTIME!

Germany: Hey, Nii-san! I grab your arm! You've seen all the work qand listen carefully. I have work still qu-

Prussia: Now listen and revel in my wonderfully crazy and cool counting sheep!

Germany: * sigh * It seems that for now I'll have to go with the flow. Well, he should not get bored of it either has a few.

Prussia : Oh yeah! Here I go!

Prussia: An amazing sheep over the fence! Two amazing sheep over the fence! Three amazing sheep over the fence! CuaORT amazing sheep over the fence! Cinto amazing sheep over the fence! Six amazing sheep over the fence! And then there are seven, eight, nine and ten amazing sheep over the fence!

Prussia: WHAT TAL, WEST? I bet you're ready to go to Dreamland anytime!

Germany: Now my eyes are open wide and I want to return to work.

Prussia: Ahh ~. I imagine that 10 sheep pondrána will not sleep. The brothers also told Italy a bit more than that.

Germany: Nii-san ... You do not think there is another problem besides the number of sheep?

Prussia: Huh? What would be the problem?

Germany: Well, I think that there is no way a normal person fall asleep if you're screaming at close range.

Prussia: Really? Well, I should sleep if you just close your eyes and you are quiet and peaceful.

Germany: Right. "If you're quiet and tranquilo. ", well ...

Prussia: Oh ... Well, if that's what you want, West, then I can adjust my count according to your needs!

There I go!

* Continue counting until 2:00. It has 19 sheep *

Prussia: 20 sheep over the fence. HAWEKACHOOYAHEY!

Germany: Whoa! Are you okay, Nii-san?

Prussia sneezed and I'm dying of boredom.

Germany: Hey!

Prussia: You leave the rest, West!

Germany: Do not give me your work!

Prussia: Aww good, I will continue if you insist, my brother agreed.

Germany: Were not you the one who insisted to tell me?

Prussia's true but ... * tweet tweet *

Prussia: Huh?

* tweet tweet *

Prussia: Do you hear anything?

Germany: Yes It's the chick that walks you hovering. It's right in your head.

Prussia: Whoa, you're right! Ohhh ~! I love to pet the little guy. It feels great. Speaking of petting, I bet you feel amazing petting a sheep because they are all esponjositas.

Germany: In that I agree with you.

peep * p & amp; aacute, if you want to sleep. Oh well. Do it again I guess the old!

count continues 6:18. It has 40 sheep *

Prussia JAJAJAJAA! My amazing way to tell is too cool to be true!

Germany: Nii-san, have you had enough? I really want to return to work.

Prussia: What are you saying? I said I was going to count sheep until you are sound asleep!

Germany: As I said symphonism & iacute n times, yet I have work to do. I can not give me the pleasure of sleeping aho-

Prussia: Stop right there! Would not you who told Italy-chan and all around it, "always living a proper lifestyle and conventional! Good sleep should always be part of it! "And you're the exception? Are you not doing that much weaker?

Germany: Even if you do not get enough sleep, never show a breach of the enemy. I recognize my own limitations, so be & amp; eacute; well.

Prussia: No, do not recognize boundaries. Once you reach your true limits and can not take it anymore. If you keep spending your energy and you will end up being just an annoyance.

Germany: Nii-san ... But q-

Prussia: Great! Enough with the talk and hold you back in bed! For my amazing name, to tell you until you fall asleep!

Germany: Whoa!

Prussia: Theute, to my fatigue.

Prussia: Oh, really?! Well, let's go!

* Germany * leaves

Prussia: Hey! Where are you going?

Germany: Sorry, Nii-san. I have to go back to work. Now I feel much better. Thank you very much.

Prussia remains as stubborn as ever. I wonder who came out. * Laughs * Oh well.

* 3-4 * Go to track


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