and those in
(Nt:EN "" ) , the more important it xD, really. If you want to see the rabbit lunar (moon rabbit) I leave a
link to images on google. can download the entire CD thanks to talon_strike for upload. Or they can download tracks separately.
CHTMLone. " * crickets *
China: Sorry to keep you waiting, Japan. Suit a few slices of watermelon.
Japan: No need to be so considerate, China-san. I'm about to go home. China: Do not be so secretive. A long time ago that I visit. You should take it easy. Japan: I'm really grateful for your hospitality, but it's late. I gotta go. China: & iexthe Rabbit Lunar mochi is grinding up there. China: Noo, is doing medicine at the moon! Until we have a well-known legend about it so no mistake!
China: When they landed, they discovered that there were 10 suns burning in the sky, and caused problems and suffering of mortals!
Japan: * gasp * just imagining it makes me feel warm.
China: Houyi soles knocked all but one and saved the mortal world!
Japan: And they all lived happily ever after, right? CHT
MLXC China: You'd think so, but there was a problem! The nine suns that had toppled Houyi were also the sons of the Jade Emperor!
Japan: Having soles as children ... This story has a rather unexpected twist.
China: Angered by the death of 9 children, the Jade Emperor banished Houyi Sky and his wife to live on earth as mortals! After that, Houyi used his great abilities to serve and help all humanity, but ...
CHT MLXC Japan: Was there a problem?
China: His wife, Chang'e was unhappy and wanted to return to his life in heaven. Sometimes he lost his temper with Houyi by breaking down the nine suns.
Japan: I understand how he felt Houyi Chang'e but had to finish their work. "The couple spent the rest of his days as a mortal?
China: No. Houyi began looking for a way to regain their immortality and return to heaven. His search led him to a TMLXC Japan: I have a bad feeling ...
China: Chang'e managed to find and use the elixir!
Japan: Ah! I think I can see how this will end!
China: Chang'e again became immortal after taking it and fled to the moon. Chang'e became a rabbit, and even to this day, continues to make the elixir of immortality on the moon. And that's the story!
JapanSo your Lunar Rabbit, rabbit medicine is doing really is Ms. Chang'e?
China: As I said when I started, there are many conclusions and versions of the story. For example, Chang'e, while returning to the skies, accompanied by a rabbit. Ms. Chang'e again the goddess of the moon and the rabbit makes the medicine at the moon. There is also a version in which the rabbit was already living on the moon and it was he who actually made the elixir that had Xi Wang Mu Regardless hear tell, no no error in the rabbit is doing medicin. When he opened it, found a baby inside the stem.
China: Ahhhhhh! What about this book?! The kanji is mixed with the hiragana and it is a mess!
Japan : Ahh ... I
that goes without saying, but that's normal in my house.
China: Seriously, show you the kanji and hiragana then you do this from scratch! Negabas to be my younger brother when I had, even when I was so proud of you!Have not been nice lately, you know!
Japan: I think I have been since ancient ...
China: Not true! You were so cute when we met! You were so tiny and properly presented to you! ... Hmm ... Hmm?
Japan: Ah ... Ah? "China-san?
China: Speaking of presentations ... I think you said, "Hello China-san, a country where the sun sets," * or something rude and
Japan: Ahh, no thanks. It's too late so I put on the road.China: Ehh, it's so late? You really have to go?
Japan: Yes! There have been a surprising cultural discoveries and new technological advances in my house. I want to go home fast and study these findings and apply changes demon-* cough * I mean, create components to improve this new technology. * Cough * Thanks for the tea. Excuse me please.
China:; Wait, Japan!
Japan: Uh, yeah, what happens?
China: Think back to work when you get home?
Japan: That was my intention.
China: Japan ... work too!
Japan: Do you really think?
China: Sure! You have too many things on your mind and you're taking a lot of work! Istoy proud that you are growing so fast but do not you're trying too hard? Since you've come so far to visit my house, why not just forget work for a moment and you take it easy and fun?
Japan: I appreciate your concern. However, you should take advantage of the occasion, as they say.
China: You should stop thinking about all those things stressful! It is important to take things slowly and take breaks from time to time!
China: Just follow me and do not complain.
* sounds of a Japan in trouble *
Track: 2: "I will tell to you, Aru!"
China: ; now sleep without worries!
Japan: * awkward laugh * You do look so easy ...
* awkward moment, filled with the sounds of the night and uncomfortable laughter *
China: Japan ... You should start by closing your eyes. I hate to see you striving to stay awake.
Japan: Oh no, I'm struggling to stay awake. I'm not really tired by now. I really appreciate your hospitality but should ret-
China: Then I have no choice! I'll tell you a bedtime story!
Japan: I think I've heard the story of Ms. Chang'e just moments ago so I do not have to tell another. And with itellip; * sigh * Why did not anyone hear me?
China: Let's Japan! You close your eyes! I will tell right now!
Japan: * exasperated sigh * Yes ...
* Count to 2:20, 10 sheep *
China: What? Surely the way I have already given you the owner!
Japan: * sighs heavily *
China: Hey ... How strange. I do not seeno change.
Japan: Thank you, now I'm wide awake.
China: Huh? Did you say something?
Japan: No. How should I say ... your way of counting is extremely powerful.
China: * laughs * Sure! I'm a country with a long and powerful history! Although when you said that, I felt that was a compliment. If both you liked it then continue to count! Japó!
Japan: Umm ... ahh ... I tell you this may seem a bit intrusive, especially because I have no intention of sleeping, but ...
China: What happens? Say what you think.
Japan: Even if he intended to sleep, I feel a very powerful way of telling me not pondríaa sleep.
China: Ohhh ... I see. Now that you mention, you're right! L-The next time calm down and tell meproblem with my count! Mei you wen you! I'm sorry I spoke! Now I will continue to count, so close your eyes!
Japan: PP-Please ... I really want to go home and change!
China: VERY BIIIEEEEN! This time I will put you to sleep!
* Count to 8:01, 40 sheep * China: Japan ... Still not sleeping? You're hard to quiet!
JapóNo: I think there is a bigger problem that is difficult ... I
China: I thought you were tired so I thought I'd stay asleep immediately , but have a real strength of will! Are not you struggling to stay awake, right?
Japan: I'm not particularly ...
forcing China, Japan, how you felt your body lately?
Japan: Does the healthy
* 3-4 * Go to Ski
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